Udemy - Complete JavaScript Course 2021

 · 8 mins read

Sharpening up my JavaScript skills and exploring web dev a bit more.


I have really wanted to get a bit more into Web Development and work on frontend development. That’s part of the reason for my recent job switch. And part of the reason I’m taking this class is to get up to speed and be more of an asset to my team. There’s also a lot I want to do on the side involving web development. You can find the course here.


Ya gotta right?



My notes are really lengthy… I took them as Markdown and then compiled them into html.

You can see the HTML version of my notes here (rendered through this nice Github html preview site here).

Here’s a Table of Content generated from here.


There are a couple main projects you build.

You can peruse the notes, but the capstone is this Forkify application hosted on Netlify. Here’s the link: https://forkify-larkin.netlify.app/


The class took a solid amount of time, but I feel like I learned a ton. I’m going to follow it up and take the Typescript/React class to actually get up to speed with modern web development classes.

I’d recommend the class.

Again, the normal disclaimer. While I’ve included all of the code, please do not abuse this. You’re only doing yourself a disservice in terms of what you learn.

As always feel free to email me with questions - although, I’m far from an expert! I am more than happy to help debug.

Once again, you can see the notes here.